Thoughts on Technology and Digital Transformation

Thoughts on Technology and Digital Transformation

The area for the most impactful symbiosis between technology and business is digital transformation. Technology is a tool through which the world has been positively improved. Digital transformation presents the closest avenue currently, for connecting businesses to technology. I foresee a strengthening between both in the long-term - as the global community becomes further digitally aware and technology products transcend most areas of human life.

For most of my professional career, I have worked as a Software Engineer. I have gained expertise in web, mobile, and cloud application development through diligent practice and enterprise collaboration. I have taught these same skills to university students in Sub-Saharan Africa (Nigeria, to be precise) as a pioneer Google Developer Student Clubs lead. Technology guides my value offerings in most areas of my personal and professional life. More recently, making an entrepreneurial shift to Product Strategy, I use my technical background to offer effective consulting services to businesses in need of digital transformation expertise.

Technology presents the world with new ways to consume old ideas, and the strength of capacity to dream up new ones. It is a portal through which young people can learn the structure of their communal realities, against the backdrop of that of their peers at the global level. It is a unifier of hopes and values; it shows us all, in different ways how much we are alike at the core. Technology is more than software applications, integrations with physical systems, or services readily consumed by billions around the world. Technology presents us all, as a global family, with cohesive tools to better appreciate the human experience.

Digital Transformation enables businesses to gain a competitive advantage and achieve collaborative excellence with technology. By improving processes and innovating business models, digital transformation lets business personnel look at their status quo through the lenses of a digital reality. It lets us see, where previously invisible, new ways to execute on customer needs; and through social initiatives, new ways of improving life on the singular planet we all currently share. In truth, digital transformation is not an end in itself. It is foremost a channel through which businesses are able to devise new value propositions and improve the operational processes through which they deliver on customer expectations.

I am keen on better understanding how to offer value to the global community through my experience in both technology and digital transformation. I believe that these have a combined potential to change the way humans make the most out of their time on the planet. Google started with the aim of gathering the world’s information and making it readily accessible; LinkedIn was engineered to improve the digital experience of being a professional and gaining access to opportunities for job acquisition as well as learning. Supporting young companies with this trajectory, I intend to make a positive impact on how digital products are strategically positioned. With the long-term in mind, I actively seek to acquire evergreen insights and contribute my best to the current conversation.

Background Photo by Marius Masalar on Unsplash